With all the information spilling in every day about the coronavirus and current affairs around the globe, the constant updates of infected cases and death tolls, many are finding it a challenge to stay positive or believe that things will get better.
While we may not know what the future has in store for our society and the world, keeping a positive outlook and taking care of our mental and physical health is the best thing we can do to ensure a better future for ourselves.
Consider applying some of these ideas into your daily routine while you stay safe at home:
Curve Social Media Consumption
You want to stay up to date on current news. There is nothing wrong with that. But keep in mind, the more negativity you consume, the more likely you will start focusing on the negative things in your personal life. Curving your consumption of news may help you prevent unnecessary anxiety and stress.
You don’t have to cut yourself off from media completely. Instead, set a time to read up on or listen to the latest news, then put it away until the next day. Avoid looking for new updates every few minutes.
Stay Active
Don’t neglect your health. It may be easy to get into the habit of sitting around all the time, eating snacks or junk food, and not going outside once the entire day.
Set up routines and meal plans if that helps you build good habits. If you are working remotely, get up and stretch every half hour or so. Take a walk outside and get some fresh air.
Keeping your body healthy will impact your mental state for the better. Staying active may help you sleep better, relieve stress, and increase your energy and mental alertness.
Stay Connected
Use this time to build and maintain relationships with your family and friends. Even if you are in isolation, you don’t have to go through it alone. Schedule times for video chats, watch TV shows together, play online games with your friends, or start a book club, etc. Check out this list of ideas mentalhealth.org compiled to help people stay connected while in lockdown.
Reach out to friends if you are having a hard time coping. You are not alone. If you or someone you know needs support, the CDC has a list of helplines as well as advice for handling stress.
Help Others and Focus On the Good Things
While you may only hear negative reports on the news, there is a lot of good happening, too. People are going out of their way to help and support neighbors and strangers during this time. Check out these “coronavirus stories” of people helping each other. Not only will you be encouraged, but you may also find some inspiration for assisting your neighbors and community as well.
Whenever you’re feeling stressed out or anxious, focus on the things you are thankful for or the good things happening in your life. Make a list every day. This will train your mind to start thinking positively.