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Bust your Fears and Transform your Life
Here is how I can help you claim your freedom back

Adults for Fears/ Phobia/ Anxiety/ Stress/ OCD
- Are your fears, phobias, anxieties, stress, or OCD taking over your life?
- Looking for solutions on how to help you release these?
- Are you ready to try new techniques and therapies to help you in this area of your life?

Children with Fear/ Phobias/ Anxiety/ Stress/ Sleep
- Is your child suffering from fear, phobia, anxiety, stress or sleepless nights?
- Is your child feeling anxious, fearful, confused all the time?
- Do you want to learn calming techniques and tools to help your child?

Online Shop
- Private Groups & Guided Meditations available for Adults and Children
- 21 Day programmes for Abundance, Grief, Chakras, Crystals, and More
- Essential Oils and Bach Flower Essences Recipes

Physical Pain
- Do you suffer from constant physical pain?
- Is your constant and chronic pain debilitating and limiting?
- Have you tried everything to relieve your physical pain, but still suffer from it?

- Are you suffering from grief and loss?
- Looking for advice and tips to deal with these emotions?
- Purchase “How to Move Forward when the Unthinkable Happens” by Lauren Rosenberg, an inspiring book on how to overcome your grief/loss and move forward.

Attracting Abundance
- Ready to change your money situation and mindset?
- Want to find new ways to feel abundant and prosperous?
- Join our private Abundance group and 21 Days of Attracting Abundance

Weight Management
- Are you having issues with your weight?
- Have you tried diets & exercise, but still having trouble losing weight?
- Did you know emotions are associated with weight?
- Book a 1-1 session to see how we can help you with your weight management.

Corporate & Online Coaching/Trainings
- Join our Online Courses & Trainings for Entrepreneurs, Businesses, Coaches, Practitioners, & Workplaces
- Modern Energy Tapping Foundational & Professional Trainings Online
- 21 Day programmes for Everyone

Free Resources
- Book our 20 Minute Free Consultation
- Free Tools, Tips, & Downloads
Here is what my clients are saying.
Lauren has hugely helped my daughter with her anxiety which was snowballing and becoming a huge issue for her/ and us. After 1 session there was already a big difference. I was skeptical at first and didn’t know what to expect but her therapy and treatment really works and now makes so much sense to me. Lauren is so calming and gentle, great with kids and not judgemental at all. I am so thankful to have found her and would not hesitate to go to her again or recommend her.
Lauren has been amazing treating my daughter for her fear of flying. She was able to take a flight alone for her gap year, with no fear at all, from boarding, through to take off, even some turbulence and then landing. My daughter was calm and happy throughout. She has been so caring towards her and worked her magic over the last few months in preparation for this big flight. We are so grateful to you Lauren.
Lauren is amazing. She listens and understands you and takes time to make sense of your symptoms. She is intuitive and caring. I've noticed a real difference from my course of homeopathy and would absolutely go back to Lauren if I needed too.
Very much like the other testimonies I'd read on Lauren's website, Issy's (age 8) fear of dogs had started to affect the whole family. It made trips to the park, going out for a walk and just going anywhere difficult for all of us. I was recommended to Lauren by a friend. We had 4 sessions in total and it's had a huge impact on Issy. She can still be wary of running and jumping dogs that she doesn't know but she is now happy to run and play at the park and play, stroke and cuddle dogs that belong to friends or family which is a huge improvement. Thanks very much to Lauren.
I'm on Lauren homeopathy group and find it very useful answering my questions and prescribing when relevantAlways helps
I have known Lauren for several months now doing amazing work on myself and with my family members . Day one I met Lauren I was everywhere emotionally and physically! I have purchased 2x her 8 sessions and it’s helped immensely from being sick to feeling better that day, to being extremely lethargic to having more energy that day and for a few days after to even being incredibly anxious to being calm and collected and much more . Lauren has exceeded in ways I can’t even express . Her approach is spot on and so unique and individualized for each person needs and wants. I have discovered more ways to learn to keep my body more balanced like tapping and using images and homeopaths which has helped and will always continue to use from her. My daughter has changed significantly when Lauren had a session in her it was night and day with her emotions towards me and now she’s way more loving , respectful before she was so closed off . My husband also was worked on a few areas and he came home and was a new man let’s just say Lauren knew what she was doing and took the time to do a huge body scan and fixed a lot of unwanted blockages and now he’s more expressive , feeling better . A huge improvement as well was my baby she has major teething and not sleeping for months and months Lauren had introduced to me camomilla and more methods to help her sleep more peaceful. Ever since then my nights are more free and I’m having so much more sleep due to taking Instructions from Lauren now she sleeps amazing and sleep trained . I would highly recommend Lauren from seeing her multiple times I can truly be honest and say it’s been a miracle from day 1 to now . I am happier , thriving, living my life I am more balanced out and anchored I don’t feel like a loose chicken running around around! I have purchased a bunch of homeopathics from Lauren to help me sustain these - I carry with me 24/7 different remodels balls for various things such as anxiety , tonsils , confidence and sleep and calmness that I she ona daily basis ! What would I do without Lauren is all I can say!! Thank you🙏~ esther lange
I took my 8 year old son to see Lauren after a recommendation on Facebook for fearbuster.com. As long as I could remember he has been petrified of cats and dogs. His fear would stop him going to people’s homes with cats or dogs (and other pets) and he would often become extremely anxious and tearful if we ever did need to go to friends or family with a dog or cat. Mostly they would have to move their pet to another room and if the dog came into the room with my son, he would cling on to me and I could feel his heart racing. Not only he is cured from his fear but we now even have a dog.
Lauren a été d’une aide exceptionnelle pour ma fille de 7 ans qui avait une phobie des fruits et légumes depuis son plus jeune age. Nous avions essayé différentes approches qui n’ont jamais vraiment fonctionnées.
Lauren a été le déclic pour ma fille qui est aujourd’hui capable de manger et s approcher de fruits ou légumes avec beaucoup moins de craintes, je lui en suis infiniment reconnaissante!
I met with Lauren Rosenberg the night before my flight to Peru. I am petrified of heights and I knew hiking up to Machu Picchu might be a challenge – especially because I was going with a school trip, so I had 23 other people with me. I used all of the resources Lauren gave to me during our energy session and I hiked around Machu Picchu like it was sea level. I am forever grateful! XOXO Lauren! Here is a picture from the hike to the Sun Gate, with Machu Picchu WAY below…
Lauren has been helping me to heal from past traumas for the last few weeks. I’m already feeling so much better after a few sessions. I have multiple traumas to deal with but Lauren makes me feel so calm and able to trust in the process that we will get there.
In a recent session with Lauren I mentioned that my child was waking up with a wet bed. Lauren asked if I was okay with diverting away from working on me to help my child.
Very gently Lauren worked on healing my child with seeing what had caused the bed wetting. She gave me some wonderful tips to get my child to engage in the process to heal from her fears which was causing the bed wetting.
My child was so relieved when she woke up for the first morning in a long time with a dry bed.
Lauren Rosenberg is amazing. I went to see her in 2019 . I was Grinding my teeth nearly all my life and after two sessions with Lauren I stopped. She is absolutely amazing And I have done to Modern energy technique courses with her. I can definitely recommend her with any issues like teeth grinding, Fear or being anxious.
I have been working with Lauren to heal many aspects of my life for a number of months. I messaged Lauren as I was suffering with what I believed was a side effect of the COVID vaccine. I asked if she could do some distance reiki as I literally could not move from the sofa. Instantly Lauren messaged me back that she was sending me healing. I actually felt pretty bizarre, woozy at the time I believed that Lauren was sending the reiki. Later the same day the side effects that I was suffering with improved. Lauren then suggested I do some tapping which I did for the rest of the day. Lauren is simply amazing, kind and so so gentle and caring in her healing ways. I’m so lucky to have met her.
I have been suffering with asthma since I was 2 years old. Growing up, I would participate in sports, but I always had to be careful to not strain my body and lungs. Ever since I can remember I have carried with me an asthma inhaler. My asthma was very chronic and even as an adult I would have severe asthma attacks. I have tried a lot of healing modalities in order to help me with my asthma, but haven’t found one that could help. That is, until I met Lauren! I had heard amazing things about Lauren, so I decided to give it a try. I booked a 1 hour session with her and decided to work on my chronic asthma. She did different healing techniques, along with affirmations, and EFT tapping. I could feel the release in my body and kept yawning throughout the session knowing that I was healing. It was an amazing session! The day after I decided to work out as my usual routine. During my workout, I usually use my inhaler because I feel tightness in my chest and lungs when working out. Yet, this time, I didn’t need to use my inhaler at all! This was the first time that this had happened and I know it was due to my session with Lauren. I was in awe! Thank you Lauren for helping me with my asthma. I can now exercise without the need to always pull out my inhaler! I would definitely recommend Lauren. I have now had 2 sessions with her and I have felt much much better and healthier.
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