School can be very stressful for many students. Yet, exams can be a much more stressful event for them. The pressure that comes for upcoming exams around this time can take a toll on their health. The dreadful anticipation of these exams and the long nights of studying can create havoc in student’s well-being. That’s why homeopathic remedies a great remedy when students are experiencing this. It can help in many ways.

When thinking of exams, many students experience symptoms of anxiety that can cause headaches, nausea, digestive issues, insomnia, a change in appetite and even having a hard time focusing. Other symptoms can be emotional such as having self-esteem and confidence issues for fear of failing or having overly high expectations. These symptoms can be treated with homeopathic remedies as well.

Below you can find some homeopathic remedies that can help during these study and exam stress times:

Aconite: A remedy for anxiety and restlessness for exams and presentations.
Argentum nitricum: A remedy for worry, especially for exams and the nervousness that comes from it.
Gelsemium: A remedy for when students withdraw, shutdown or experience extreme weakness from fear.
Nat Mur: A remedy to help with tiredness and pessimism.
Lycopodium: A remedy that helps with the anxiety that comes from fear of failing.

Homeopathic remedies can help support students when they are experiencing exam stress symptoms. It is a great way to help them with their anxiety and stress, keep them healthy physically and emotionally, while also helping them concentrate on the task at hand.

If you have questions on homeopathic remedies, you can email me at and see how I can help you or your loved one in this area.