For children, and some adults, a fear of sports might be linked to several other root causes including a fear of failure, a fear of losing, or fear of getting hurt. All of these fears and insecurities might contribute, or even combine, into a fear or phobia of sports.
A fear of participating in sports can cause damaging problems in children that can have a ripple effect onto all aspects of their lives. They can become isolated from their peers to whom sports are a form of camaraderie and how they build and develop relationships with one another, and it can escalate into an unhealthy lifestyle, if kids don’t get the exercise and fresh air that they need. Both of these could lead to insecurities, anxiety and stress over lost relationships, poor self-esteem, or poor self-image.
So how can you tell if your child is struggling with an overwhelming fear or phobia of sports? Chances are that it’s pretty easy to tell – however, you may be mistaking the signs and symptoms with your child being disagreeable, or simply not wanting to participate or listen to directions. If your child has gotten injured while playing sports in the past, their chances of developing a fear of sports are higher, so being mindful of that fact when assessing your child’s behaviors is key.
They might be experiencing nausea, stress-induced headaches, sweatiness, or shaking when around sports, asked to participate in sports, or even at the thought of taking part in any sports activities. If this sounds like your child, it’s probably time to think about taking them to a professional for an evaluation and to learn more about how to heal.
In order to help your child overcome their fear of sports and develop a healthy coping strategy that will (hypothetically) get them back in the game, I will utilize the amazing healing powers of modern energy techniques and modern energy tapping to balance their energy. It’s important, with children, to address fears and phobias early so that they don’t continue to affect them as they grow into adulthood. By utilizing natural healing processes, such as modern energy techniques, I’ll be able to help your child overcome their fears and get back to their normal selves.
Parents of children experiencing fears and phobias, such as a fear of sports, have been astounded at the change in their child that they’ve witnessed. If you’re still skeptical, schedule a free 20-minute phone call consultation with me so that I can help you or your child overcome the fears they’re experiencing, and help them get down to the source of their anxiety and learn a helpful and healing way to handle their feelings. Contact me at for more details.